How I create contemporary art

My art is a reflection and projection of me. It is diverse and emanates from a variety of places. I delight in the bounty and magic of the visual world, finding inspiration there, but also drawn from music, dreams, the sensual, and the metaphysical. I often do not know what a piece will be about. I remain open to dance with the mystery and alchemy of painting, something I find endlessly fascinating. My work moves where I move, whether past, present, or future.

My work is personal, emotional and spiritual. It comes from the essence of my being – I was born to be a painter. It is my vehicle to seeking higher Love, healing, truth. Commitment to process is at the foundation of my work. Each piece birthed from its siblings; at times gestating for years.

Self portrait IV

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Ingrid Petersen by Jon Archdeacon

I remain open to dance with the mystery and alchemy of painting, something I find endlessly fascinating.

I’m a mixed media artist. I use a variety of materials from oil paint, through my torn and shredded journal pages, to razor blades. Experimentation and choices in materials grow organically out of my situation. Commercial considerations and incentives do not drive my process. It comes purely from my heart and soul – Love.

My pieces are prayers. I know not where the journey will take me, sometimes joyful, sometimes painful; often, there is a prophetic component to my work, but I trust I will land in a place of authenticity, peace, and Love. That is the place when a piece is finished.

I am a warrior. Life has challenged me and forced me to fight (and Love) at every level and stage of my existence. My art emerged from a relentless spiritual quest to find myself amidst forces trying to destroy me. My authentic self was the gift earned from being committed to learning, growing and healing from an unimaginably hard life.

Healing and art are not for the weak.

Ingrid Petersen by Jon Archdeacon

I Was Born a Painter

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